You could be invited to join a focus group, comprising 2 - 10 people at a location which reflects the products or services being reviewed.
At top hotels, such as the Radisson Blu or Malmaison, in Manchester, you will meet up in a relaxed atmosphere and be asked to share your views on a range of topics or issues. This could include your opinion on products as diverse as top of the range luxury cars, or a particular type of washing powder.
Usually lasting between 1- 3 hours, at the end of the research and as a thank-you, you will be rewarded for your time, with between £40 - £75*, depending upon the client and subjects covered.
In addition to focus groups, there are other ways you can get involved; you can take part in in-depth interviews, telephone interviews, face-to-face interviews, or on-line interviews.
You can even go on assisted shopping trips! And, as a thank-you, you will receive between £40 - £75*, just as in the focus groups!